Course curriculum

  • 1

    Required Homework to Turn In

    • Biz of Yoga: Module 1 > > Your Vision

    • Trauma Sensitive Yoga Reading, Videos and Assignments

  • 2

    Required Handouts & Manuals

    • Trauma: How to Make Your Class More Trauma Sensitive by Hala Khouri

    • Making a Class Trauma Sensitive with Michelle Theilen

    • Trauma: Surviving a Traumatic Event

    • Trauma: Recap Part 1 of 2 with Michelle Thielen, C-IAYT

    • Trauma: Hala Khouri - Trauma Informed Yoga

    • Trauma: Trauma Informed Teacher and Student Paperwork

    • Mental Health: Beginner's Guide to Polyvagal Theory

    • Mental Health: Mental Health Basics for Yoga Instructors

    • Biz of Yoga: Productivity Outline by Michelle Theilen

    • Chakras: Chakra Table

    • Chakras: Chakra Visual

    • Yoga for Seniors: Written by Erin Smith

    • Yoga Anatomy: Written by David Smith, PT

    • Fascia: Written by Jill Miller

    • Copy of Manual: 12 Step and Recovery by Michelle Thielen

    • Yoga Therapy: YFYT L3 Final Evaluation of Yoga Therapy Client Sample

    • Yoga Therapy & Addiction: Holistic Rehab for Addiction

    • Yoga Teacher vs. Yoga Therapy: Scope of Practice

    • Yoga Therapy: Nutritional Updates for Physicans Case Study Plant Based Diets

    • Yoga Therapy: Example of Case Study Yoga Therapy for Fibromyalgia

    • Yoga Therapy: Assessment Tool

    • Yoga Therapy: Intake Form

    • Yoga Therapy: Therapeutic Modalities Overview

    • Yoga Therapy: Healing Art Of Therapeutic Application

  • 3

    Required Videos: Business of Yoga with Laura Burkhart and Michelle Thielen

    • Productivity: Use Your Time Wisely

    • Productivity Workbook

  • 4

    Required Video: Philosophy + Neuroscience in Relation to Yoga and Mindfulness + Yamas and Niyamas with Erin Smith, E-RYT 500/Yoga Therapist

    • Philosophy & Neuroscience in Relation to Yoga and Mindfulness

    • Philosophy: Yamas and Niyamas with Erin Smith

    • Explanation of Eight Limbs

  • 5

    Required Videos: Trauma Informed with Michelle Thielen, Trauma Sensitive Yoga Therapist

    • Trauma Informed with Michelle Thielen: Part 1

    • Trauma Informed with Michelle Thielen: Part 2

  • 6

    Required Video: Mental Health Basics For Yoga Instructors with Toddy Holeman, RYT-500/Professor of Counseling

    • Understanding Depression and Anxiety

  • 7

    Required Video: Addiction & 12 Steps with Michelle Thielen, Trauma Sensitive Yoga Therapist

    • Video: 12 Steps Video with Michelle Thielen

  • 8

    Required Video: Chakras with James French E-RYT 500/Founder of Lighting the Path

    • Chakras: Part 1

    • Chakras: Part 2

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    Reference: Physical Adjustment Videos with Laura Burkhart

    • Half Sun Salutations

    • Downward Facing Dog

    • Cobra, Locust, Sphinx and Bow

    • Surya Namaskar A

    • Warrior 2, Triangle and Half Moon Pose

    • Wide Legged Forward Bend

    • Warrior 1, Crescent Lunge, Pyramid and Warrior 3 Pose

    • Tree Pose & Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose

    • Easy Twist & Crescent Lunge Twist

    • Revolved Chair, Revolved Triangle and Revolved Half Moon Pose

    • Bridge and Upward Facing Bow (Full Wheel)

    • Seated Twists and Seated Forward Bends

    • Child's Pose and Pigeon Pose

    • Thread the Needle and Supta Padangusthasana

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    Optional Videos, Handouts & Manuals

    • Copy of Biz of Yoga: Using Canva by Michelle Theilen

    • Trauma: Dismantling the School Pipeline

    • Trauma: Trauma Sensitive Yoga by Michelle Thielen

    • Trauma: Recommended Trauma Sensitive Reading and Videos

    • Mental Health: Depression Basics

    • Mental Health: I’m so Stressed

    • The Kriyas: The Kriyas

    • Copy of The Kriyas: The Kriyas with James French

    • Addiction: Holistic Rehabilitation for Addiction

    • Addiction: Avoiding Toxic Relationships in Recovery

    • Yoga Philosophy and Mindfulness: Manual by Erin Smith

    • Philosophy: Philosophy Videos & Assignments

    • Copy of Module 1: Your Vision

    • Mindfulness and Neuroscience by Erin Smith

    • Copy of Module 2: In-Person Teaching

    • Copy of Module 3: Online Teaching

    • Copy of Module 4: Marketing & More